Booking the Choir

The Conchords Chorale will book about eight to ten concerts on a “first-come, first-served basis” during our Winter and Spring seasons.

Winter Season

Winter concerts begin shortly after Thanksgiving, running as late as December 21st.

Spring Season

  • Concerts are generally in May, possibly early June.

Basic Requirements

  • Enough space for at least 40 singers, piano, director, risers, soundboard, and four to six microphones
  • A piano (that is in tune) is best … however, we can bring an electric piano if it is needed
  • Greenroom with lock for warming up and storing valuables
  • Access to the performance room at least an hour in advance for the setup of risers and sound systems
  • Drinking water


  • Our standard performance fee is $250 per concert. On church events with a free-will offering (“pass the plate”), we are willing to perform for a 50/50 split of the plate.

Let’s talk about performing for you in 2024!